We’re on our way to Mexico. This is our first bit of international travel since the world was blanketed with Covid 19. Restrictions are easing but many are still on high alert, and we are committed to wearing a mask.

We’re exploring Mexico City for four days then off to San Miguel D’Allende for a month. I was quite unsettled through the whole packing and transit process – I’m usually a pretty chill traveller, but I was surprisingly anxious. Lori is an amazing traveller and minimizes her travel tension by doing lots of research. I’m incredibly fortunate just to tag along and offer random word translations along the way: ‘baño’ (bathroom) or ‘debe comer agora!’ (Must eat NOW!).

Waiting to board and watching people line-up at Tims’ at 5:30am

We eventually arrived at our Airbnb, scattered our gear about, then had a long nap. We eventually roused ourselves, consulted maps and launched ourselves into the streets. We made it a block then hoovered in a plate of tacos from the first place we found.
We wandered around to a fantastic local park and people-watched for awhile – fascinating! Parks are teaming with people from all walks of life, and lots of dogs (peros) all over the place. And the vegetation is otherworldly! The jacaranda trees are amazing with sprays of lavender blooms that cascade down. So many things to take photos of or sketch. Never enough time.

We eventually found our way home after collecting a tankard of water (right arm is 2” longer now) and picking up other essentials. One of the true highlights of local supermarkets is the collection of fine tequila and mescal bottles that are readily available. The label designs span every typographic and illustrative genre imaginable – love it!

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